Mission and History
Every year, starting from December 2021, the Federico II Study Center reaffirms its commitment to adhering to the ideals for which it was established: promoting the values of intercultural and multicultural dialogue, tolerance and openness to the world, these values without the such as multilateralism, necessary to build ideal bridges between peoples, could not exist or function.
Multilateralism is not just the prerogative of diplomats and governments. Even all responsible private entities like ours can contribute to the creation and maintenance of a fruitful multilateral dialogue, with a view to peaceful cooperation between different cultures.
And it is for this reason that the Study Center, since the beginning of its activity, has interacted and maintained relationships with other responsible public and private entities that are committed and operate at an international level, including first and foremost the UN since, after having received an official invitation and having presented the “For Culture Worldwide” project in New York from 28 to 31 March 2023, we have become “partners” of the United Nations for our support towards some of the sustainable development objectives set out in the new 2030 agenda of the ‘UN.
Since its establishment, the President of the Study Center, Giuseppe Di Franco, together with all the members of the technical-scientific committee, have fervently kept in mind the ideals and objectives indicated above, contributing to the implementation of projects and initiatives of the highest cultural and socio-economic level. cultural, with institutional meetings at an international level in Rome, Venice, New York, Bordeaux, Vienna, Bratislava and also assigning recognitions and honors every year such as the “Federico II International Award” (given to personalities who have distinguished themselves in their activities and professions) and the “Federiciano Seal”, a valuable work in gilded bronze handcrafted in fusion.
Furthermore, since 2024, the Study Center has created and presented in a world preview on June 17 in Rome at the circle of the Ministry of foreign affairs a new and prestigious honor, the AUGUSTALE, the Peace coin of Frederick II reproduced by hand in cast and gilded brass and awarded to very high personalities who have distinguished themselves. It was introduced by Frederick II in 1231 and is considered one of the most famous and most beautiful coins of the European Middle Ages.
The results and successes obtained during the initiatives and projects launched with great response in terms of image and media visibility, have contributed to giving the Study Center such a reputation as to be considered an organization whose prestige is recognized today at an international level.